Limestone Link Vision

In 2022, WENP published a vision for the Limestone Link: to create a nature-rich landscape linking the limestone hills of the Mendip Hills AONB with the Cotswolds Scarp surrounding Bath.
The Limestone Link footpath runs for 36 miles within and between the Mendip Hills AONB and the Cotswolds National Landscape, where people can enjoy the beautiful landscapes of limestone hills, valleys and villages. But it’s not just people who benefit from access to these landscapes: we need large, connected areas of habitat to enable wildlife to thrive and adapt to climate change.
Named after the footpath, the Limestone Link captures the ambition of improving the connectivity of the landscape between the Mendip Hills and the Cotswolds National Landscapes. Limestone Link also forms part of Big Chalk, a wider ambition to connect calcareous (chalk and limestone) landscapes across the whole of Southern England, from the South Coast to the Midlands.